Thursday, February 13, 2025

                                           Media Theory 

Binary Opposition Theory 

The Binary Opposition is a theory made by the French anthropologist Levi Strauss that says that "we experience life through the concept of opposites like good vs. evil, birth and death." It continues by saying, "This theory relates to narratives where elements of the story are constructed through opposition." As said in the media text narratives paper. This theory states that people think in terms of opposites. He believed that two related concepts with opposite meanings are the base of human culture and thought. 

This is kind of like the Yin and Yang, a Chinese philosophy that describes 2 opposite forces that are interlinked, where one can't live without the other one. Yin is represented as the black one that represents darkness, water, the moon, intuition, and softness. Then we have Yang, which is the white one that represents light, fire, the sun, activity, and confidence. It's an infinite circle that creates balance and harmony. 

Now, this theory could be integrated into our project by representing the "mean girls" side as "evil" and the innocent girl as the "good." This would be a perfect example that life is surrounded and balanced by the opposites, like black and white, and this specific example is the evil and the good. It would represent the society and the atmosphere in which these girls live, where there's two completely different types of people associating with each other. This is also represented by the protagonist and antagonist in the film industry, which also fits our story. 


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