Group Meeting #1
Today, February 10th, we had our first group meeting in class. This group consisted of 5 people: Jaden, Luis, Wyatt, Kailen, and Fabiana. All of there blog posts will be linked below. We all discussed our ideas and how we're thinking of developing the opening films. We all summarized our plot, themes, genres, and storylines. So, here's how it went.
Jaden's story plot is inspired by love exposure. It's about this girl who gets abused by her father and goes mute after her mother's death. The father deeply loved the mother so much that her absence completely changed him as a person, to the point where he abused his daughter. Now, the daughter has changed too; she has a big trauma and doesn't go with what people in her society follow. For example, she began to worship instead of worshiping God because she doesn't like other people's religion. This is a representation of how one can lose itself because of their actions and how they separate themselves from society. This is part of a psychological drama.
Wyatt and his group made up a storyplot based on the genres thriller and mystery. They're thinking about producing a film where a man is living a happy, normal life, where everything's normal. Then, things start to get weird and mysterious; the man wakes up, and he does not know where he's at. He realizes that there's something wrong, but he's not quite sure. It could all be in his mind, who knows.
Luis began by describing his story, for which he was really excited. His idea is of a zombie apocalypse. His main character is a human that travels around the world trying to find more of his kind, friends. However, he realizes that everyone he gets close with dies, but not only because of the zombies. As he tries to figure it out, he realizes that zombies are not the worst creature and that society is the one that kills everyone, and that people go insane too. Luis is integrating psychological thriller as his main genre.
Then we move onto the girls in the meeting. Fabiana came up with the idea of this man living his day-to-day life like everybody else. He gets on a taxi like a normal person, but then he sees a poster that says there was a huge accident in that same taxi. It turns out the accident had happened to him in which both the driver and him had died. This made him realize he was in fact dead but somehow was still living his normal life. He tries to figure out what is happening. She told us she was inspired by her father's writing since he likes this kind of vibe.
Kailen was the last one to present her idea. She came up with a story about a girl in her room, kind of a messy room that reflects her lifestyle. While she's there, her friend knocks on her door and shows her a really bad picture that's going around the day after a party. Somehow it looks like her in the picture but it actually was not. She did not go out that nigh, she did not go to the party. She realizes she's getting framed and tries to discover who's doing this.
Overall, this meeting was very helpful, as I collected a lot of ideas from different members of the group that advised me on what would look good for my own project. We helped each other out a lot and actually had a lot of fun. It felt good to see how my project looked in others' eyes, and I love to see other people's creativity being used.