Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hi blog! 

One of my favorite movies of all time that has an amazing representation is Black Panther. Aside from the fact that it's a Marvel superhero film, it portraits African-American culture in a positive way, which is not as common. I feel like in most movies and shows, dark-skinned people have a stereotype of being aggressive, a bad influence, or even criminals, while in Black Panther this is revoked by representing African Americans as hard-working, powerful heroes. 

T’Challa is the first African-American hero in the Marvel universe. He is king of Wakanda, plays the main character and has a tremendous role in representation since his leadership style is one of the main themes.  T’Challa is a peaceful, responsible leader who embodies his cultural heritage by highlighting the richness of the African culture. He's always proud of her he comes from and has deep love for his homeland. He also has great respect and cheris for the ones that came before him. For example, when he connected with his ancestral plane, specifically his father who was an old Black Panther, and asked him for advice and guidance you could tell how he admired his father. There's also an important detail in that scene which I don't know if you noticed but there's a specific medium shot of them two walking side-by-side, connecting to one another, and most importantly speaking in their native language. Clearly, T’Challa has a very deep connection with his roots and is willing to do anything so save his community, keep everyone safe, and do the right thing. Furthermore, another very important factor of representation is how they chose clothing. He is a character that bring Africa with him wherever he goes, especially as Black Panther. 

Female leadership is also represented in Balck Panther. An excellent example is Okoye. She is the general of Wakanda's armed forces and is represented as an independent, strong women. Okoye is the perfect representation of an empowered female character, who doesn't depend on others or accept stereotypes. She leads an army of women who are skilled and trained to fight for Wakanda, loyal to T'Challa and his kingdom. Like the Black Panther, her cultural symbolism is always present through her clothes, jewelry, and language. She’s seen and treated with respect and admiration, since she has always shown to be ready for any conflict and has continuously shown loyalty to her home and people. However, it’s also important to mention two females that are critical to the movie. Ramonda and Shuri, T’Challa’s mother and sister are two of the main reasons to who T’Challa became. Not only that but they have the own independent role as Ramonda, the queen and Shuri as a leader in the technological field. Together they represent wisdom, strength, and African Royalty.

Furthermore, Wakanda is represented as a technological advanced and culturally rich nation that break common stereotypes associated with Africa. The film displays its stunning landscapes, including beautiful mountains and forests, emphasazinig the harmony between nature and advanced technology. This hidden kingdom is portrayed as a vibrant society, rich in traditions and cultural heritage that is highlighted through traditional clothing, ceremonies, and a mix of modern and historical architecture. Additionally, these a variety of high angles and middle shots in which it shows both the traditional actions and scenery with an insight of African culture that the targeted audience does not see it as commonly. Now to finish off, the movie uses a variety of sounds, including traditional African instruments, a classical orchestra, and significant African songs that represent real life culture. 


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