Thursday, March 13, 2025

                                                      Group Meeting 2

Hi Blog!

Today, 3/11/25, we had our secong group meeting. This time we had different groups, and we obviously talked about a more sophisticated and worked on project. Most of my peers have already finished filming, are editing, and are thinking about what they're going to do for their CCR's. I got some advice on editing because I feel like I'm not that good, so that really helped me. Now, instead of using iMovie, I'll be downloading Adobe Premier since everybody told me that it was really good. 

This second group meeting was really fun; I felt like everybody brought a positive vibe and shared their story plot and filming process. This meeting was between Santina, Kalel, Nicolas, Beatrice, and me. Also, we all had problems (you're not doing it right if you don't), but we were all able to solve them, so we shared how we worked through them. For example, while filming, Nicolas and his group realized that they didn't have any fake blood and could not find any. What they did was create their own fake blood with coloring, corn starch, and water. Overall, this was a great meeting, and like always, very helpful. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

                           Post-Production 2

With my group, we decided that we're all going to edit so we don't place the job on one of us. There's definitely some of us that know how to edit and others don't, so I'm hoping we help each other out and make it easier for everyone. 

After editing the exposure like I showed on my Post-Production 1, I started to put clips together and see how to make it flow properly. Although there is still so much we have to do, like add sound, fix lighting, edit techniques, etc. I feel like we're in an okay place with timing. Because of the issues we had, we kind of fell behind, but we're finally picking up our pace again. Let me show you how I joined clips together.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

                            Post Production 1

Now that we've finished, or almost finished filming, the next step is editing and actually making the film come together. The first thing I did was edit how the scene looks. What I mean is that I changed the exposure, tone, highlights, blackpoint, etc. I feel like this enriches the quality overall and makes the film look better. I pretend to do this for all scenes because on some the exposure is too high. Here's what it's looking like.


Friday, March 7, 2025


Hi Blog!

We are currently in week 6, and I wanted to show you what we've done so far. We finished filming almost everything; we only have 1 scene left. We did have some issues, so we changed the plot a little bit in order to get everything done in time. For example, it was too hard to go to the beach every time we had to film because none of us can drive there and it's pretty far away, so we decided to change the setting to a community pool with a park. So now instead of getting "drunk" at the beach, the girls are having fun at the park, like if it were a regular day for them. Another change we made was the amount of people we used in the film. In the beginning, we thought of using extra girls to make a big friend group, like more than 5 people. But as we worked on it, we realized that scheduling would be too difficult since everyone has different things to do. In the end, we just made a trio friendgroup, where Samantha is pressured by the other two.

Anyway, here's some of the shots we have. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

                     CCR Question 1 Research 

Hi Blog!

We have currently been introduced to the CCR, which stands for "Creative Critical Reflection," which is to be done after filming and editing are finished. This is, like said in the name, a reflection on the projects in which we have to answer 4 questions in creative ways, like a podcast, talkshow, etc. For this post, I'm only focusing on question 1.

The question states, "How does your product use or challenge conventions, and how does it represent social groups or issues?" 

What I'm thinking of doing for question 1 is a questionnaire/interview kind of video. I thought about answering this question while cooking or doing some kind of activity at the same time. I feel like this makes it more entertaining than just answering the questions. So, it would be like someone recording me and asking questions, and me being reorded by answering these questions by, like, baking brownies, let's say. I kind of got inspiration from Vogue's 73 questions with Margot Robbie.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

                        Production Process 3

Lastly, for this week I want to show you where we will be filming next week, which plays a big role in the story. Since there's multiple beaches and various places, I want you to see the spots where we will be filming. Vicky, Sophia, Samatha, and the rest of the group will be walking around the sidewalk next to some shops and stores, which is right next to the beach. We took some pictures for you to see. 
