Group Meeting 2
Hi Blog!
Today, 3/11/25, we had our secong group meeting. This time we had different groups, and we obviously talked about a more sophisticated and worked on project. Most of my peers have already finished filming, are editing, and are thinking about what they're going to do for their CCR's. I got some advice on editing because I feel like I'm not that good, so that really helped me. Now, instead of using iMovie, I'll be downloading Adobe Premier since everybody told me that it was really good.
This second group meeting was really fun; I felt like everybody brought a positive vibe and shared their story plot and filming process. This meeting was between Santina, Kalel, Nicolas, Beatrice, and me. Also, we all had problems (you're not doing it right if you don't), but we were all able to solve them, so we shared how we worked through them. For example, while filming, Nicolas and his group realized that they didn't have any fake blood and could not find any. What they did was create their own fake blood with coloring, corn starch, and water. Overall, this was a great meeting, and like always, very helpful.